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    小语加速器安卓版官方   Monday - August 03, 2023

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    The damaged sections of the bridge that burned in the derailment last week in Tempe AZ have been brought down with explosive cutting charges. The rest of the bridge seems OK at this point, so a similar kind of steel truss sections will be built to replace the damaged ones.

    story and video, plus link to a ton of picks from last week’s accident

    This isn’t Hollywood, so don’t expect to see much. Controlled cutting demolition is like, poof, clunk, done.

    At about 8:15 a.m., a brief spark and a puff of black smoke was visible as the designated portion of the bridge collapsed to the ground underneath. A loud booming sound could be heard as the ground briefly shook.


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    “Our goal is to get that area cleared so that we can prep for bridge construction,” he said, adding that there is currently no timeline for when that section of the bridge would be reconstructed.

    Schelbitzki said the rest of the bridge was structurally safe. However, he noted officials were still assessing it, including whether any components needed to be replaced. He said the standing portion of the bridge would remain the same while the reconstructed portion of the bridge might appear “a little different” when complete.


    Last week’s fire


    Posted by Drew458   小语加速器手机版官网  on 08/03/2023 at 09:16 PM   
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    Total Gun Sales Control By “Minor” Textual Changes.

    Here is the operative part of Senate Bill S. 4068 in it’s entirety:

    Section 922(t)(1)(B) of title 18, United States Code, is amended—

    (1) by striking “(i)”;

    (2) by striking “; or” and inserting “; and”; and

    (3) by striking clause (ii).

    Doesn’t look like much, does it? Even clause (ii) itself is only one sentence long, so what’s the problem?

    This is the part of the federal law that it would apply to:

    Beginning on the date that is 30 days after the Attorney General notifies licensees under section 103(d) of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act that the national instant criminal background check system is established, a licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer shall not transfer a firearm to any other person who is not licensed under this chapter, unless—
    before the completion of the transfer, the licensee contacts the national instant criminal background check system established under section 103 of that Act;
    the system provides the licensee with a unique identification number; or
    3 business days (meaning a day on which State offices are open) have elapsed since the licensee contacted the system, and the system has not notified the licensee that the receipt of a firearm by such other person would violate subsection (g) or (n) of this section; and

    the transferor has verified the identity of the transferee by examining a valid identification document (as defined in section 1028(d) of this title) of the transferee containing a photograph of the transferee.

    So all it does is say you always get a unique ID number, and your transfer goes through when your identity has been verified. IOW, you’re a good guy. Sounds like common sense, right?

    Guess again.

    The problem is, that this measure, brought out by anti-gun zealot Senator Richard Blumenthal, (D-CT) and proven stolen valor liar, would eliminate the all-American concept of assumption of innocence from the NICS background check that is universal when purchasing a firearm from a registered dealer ( or in states that have removed your right to freely trade with other citizens, and now “close the gun show loophole” by forcing such transactions to go through the NICS system ).

    What it really means is that the 3 day processing window would cease to exist. The one that says “our wonderful super computer zillion dollar system can instantly tell if you’re a criminal or not, but let’s be super safe and give it 3 days to work just in case”. They would now have FOREVER to return a response. And seeing how obviously weaponized against free citizens huge parts of the federal government have become, you can pretty much assume that this is exactly what will happen.

    Hell, in NJ it’s been the law for decades that the state has 30 days to process your firearms permit, yet they routinely take 6 - 8 months. And there’s not a damn thing you can about it.

    And now, with the ‘rona and the riots, when gun sales are through the roof, and the NICS system is up 75%, more than 小语加速器安卓apk, shelves empty in 小语加速器手机版官网, police departments defunded or stood down, people living in fear for their lives and livelihoods, NOW this asshat liar pulls this kind of stunt, introducing such a bill June 25?

    Under current law, if NICS cannot be completed in three business days, a federally licensed dealer can still transfer a firearm. While the setup of NICS is not ideal, the current setup has several points that make it much fairer than various licensing and waiting period schemes:

    It presumes that someone seeking to buy a firearm is law-abiding.
    It places the burden to deny a firearms transaction on the government.
    It also does not subject someone trying to exercise their rights into an indefinite wait.

    Blumenthal’s bill changes that. It removes the three business day limit on a delay. In other words, if there is a delay for whatever reason (NICS is down, confusion), a law-abiding citizen is denied the right to purchase a firearm until the delay gets resolved, and without the time limit, that can be potential for some serious, life-threatening abuse.

    Imagine what IRS workers under Lois Lerner did to the Tea Party’s applications for tax-exempt status being applied to firearm purchases run through NICS.
    But in Blumenthal’s mind, that’s all okay. Because to him, gun ownership isn’t a right – it’s a privilege that should be determined by the government.

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    Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/03/2023 at 12:58 PM   
    Filed Under: • Guns and Gun Control •  
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    Hey, I’m trying. But other than the ‘rona, their isn’t much on the news except rioters, kneelers, and BLM extortionists.

    So I’ll touch on this lightly, but you can follow the links or search up as much as you want to read. Maybe I can work a Lead Zep pun in here ...

    News from the land of the ice and snow
    From the midnight sun where the COVID flows

    Once around the top of the world, ‘rona ‘rona everywhere ...

    •  Murmansk region counts more Covid-19 cases than neighboring Norway or Finland 抽签器app下载-抽签器 v5.5.600606 安卓版 - 量产资源网:2021-6-12 · 抽签器app下载是由量产资源网收集于官网最新发布版本,抽签器是一款方便的抽签器应用,致力于抽签活动,能够在平台上根据抽签来进行活动的内容项目,还能够自由选择抽签的模式进行抽签,非常的方便;在这里提供了各种选项,用户可伍在平 Hospital conditions are ... totally soviet.

        • Speaking of Soviet conditions ... The new nickle refinery in Monchegorsk dumped such a toxic cloud the other day that the trees are dying. Agent Orange is part of the refining practice? Smog was thick with sulfur dioxide and heavy metals.

    •   Iceland going back into lockdown “Iceland on Thursday reinstated restrictions on public gatherings after finding at least two new infection clusters”

    •  Greenland doing pretty well so far. Yeah, well, sure. The giant island is mostly covered with glacier, hardly anybody lives there, and 青蛙加速器_青蛙加速器官方版下载 - 网络加速 - 非凡软件站:2021-4-9 · 青蛙加速器是由我公司自主研发的一款专为个人用户度身定制的跨网加速软件。对游戏、网页浏览、下载等都能做到加速,让您在电信、网通、教育网之间能迅速互访。 And there are no cruise ships coming, or much tourism. Interestingly, Greenland is so remote and so sparsely populated that 小语网络加速器|小语网络加速器下载 v2021最新版 - 多多软件站:2021-6-6 · 小语网络加速器是一款全新的虚拟专用网络构建工具,专门针对喜欢网络游戏的玩家伊制作的一款加速器,让每一位游戏玩家都能够快速的游戏,不受任何限制阻碍,比如说,网络延迟、卡屏等症状,这也是游戏玩家伊中最常见的两个症状,而小语网络加速器却支持上千种网络游戏,通过这款软件的 ...

    •  Is It The Eskimo’s Turn Now? New mine worker at Baffin Island west of Greenland, shows up with COVID. Here we go! This is the first case in that whole gigantic nearly empty frozen province of northern Canada. The indigenous residents have their own version of lockdown: none of them are working at the mine or coming anywhere near it. The whole place is staffed by “foreigners” right now.

    •  Pretty quiet in Nome. Except ... No tourism, not much fishing going on up over in Nome Alaska. However, the COVID is there (465 cases in Alaska) and it’s lurking ... literally by the shipload:

    American Seafoods Company is reporting that additional crew members of the American Triumph tested positive for COVID-19 in Unalaska. American Seafoods tested and screened the 119-person crew after six reported COVID-19 symptoms and tested positive. In total, there are 79 newly positive crew members.

    We are relocating the crew to Anchorage to isolate and quarantine. American Seafoods will support the crew members however we can, providing quarantine facilities, daily meals, and accessible onsite medical care. We will sanitize the vessel during this time.

    Three of American Seafood’s ships have been infected so far, regardless of quarantining, hygiene, or cleaning. Maybe they should put masks on the fish or something.

    •  Speaking of shiploads ... Meanwhile back in Norway, the really big news from Way Up North Today: Hurtigruten cruise ship parked after onboard outbreak


    Hurtigruten’s Amundsen: no more Svalbard, goes to Tromsø [ I’m visualizing the Muppet’s Swedish Chef doing the news ]

    The M/S Roald Amundsen arrived in Tromsø on Friday with two ill and isolated crew members onboard. The two were hospitalized and tested for coronavirus. The rest of the 158-person crew were tested and on Saturday the cruise liner confirmed at least 35 of the crew are infected by the virus.

    Crew members who tested positive and are still on the ship, are not sick or have any other symptoms. The passengers disembarked Friday morning before the outbreak was announced.

    Local newspaper Nordlys reported Friday evening four crew members have tested positive. All four are hospitalized in Tromsø. Passengers that disembarked in Tromsø told Norwegian media that they first were informed about the outbreak when reading online newspapers. The Norwegian Institute of Public Health all passengers quarantined and tested for COVID-19 and is urging 69 municipalities to follow up on a total of 400 people in some way associated with infected crew members.

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    “A preliminary evaluation shows a breakdown in several of our internal procedures,” Chief Executive Daniel Skjeldam said in a statement.

    “Our own failure, as well as the recent rise in infections internationally, has led us to halt all expedition cruises in Norwegian and international waters,” he said.

    Four crew members on the MS Roald Amundsen were hospitalised on Friday when the ship arrived at the port of Tromsoe, and later diagnosed with the respiratory illness. Tests showed another 32 of the 158 staff were also infected.

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    While foreign crew members were tested for the coronavirus before leaving their home countries, they were not tested in Norway and did not quarantine before starting work on the ship, the company said.

    So far, four of the combined 387 passengers travelling on the ship on two separate cruises since July 17 have been found to carry the virus

    All 160 crew members on the Roald Amundsen have been quarantined on the ship, while the 177 passengers — all of whom have already disembarked — are being contacted by telephone and are being told to self-isolate, operator Hurtigruten said.

    “By the time we were notified, the passengers had left the ship,” Tromsø municipality chief doctor Kathrine Kristoffersen told a news conference. “All passengers will, for the time being, be asked to quarantine.”
    The ship’s operator and owner, Hurtigruten, which in March suspended most operations due to the pandemic, announced on July 7 it would gradually return all but two of its 16 vessels to service by the end of September, albeit with reduced capacity.

    I know the cruise ship industry is trying to survive, but it seems every time a bunch of folks go out in a boat for a few days ... wham. Whether it’s lack of social distancing, the recycled air in the small space that is any size ship, crappy and slow testing, or just a ton of turd worlders working the cruise ships and fishing boats, I don’t have the answer. But you won’t see me on any boat, or any airplane either, for a long long time.

    There’s no escape. Even way up north in the big frozen empty, any time a few dozen folks get together - civilization, right? - some of them get the ‘rona. Everyone in the world will get this, has it already, or has had it at least once so far. There’s no vaccine, no quick cure, no officially approved mitigating treatment. Some are immune, some have no symptoms, some few get very sick for a long time, and some of them die. No rhyme or reason, and nowhere to hide. May as well take your chances, roll the dice with God, and get it over with. Meanwhile, go live life to the fullest, if your local authorities allow you to.


    Posted by Drew458   小语加速器安卓apk  on 08/03/2023 at 10:39 AM   
    Filed Under: • pandemic and epidemic diseases •  
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    大陆下载快连vp n

    It is an absolutely perfect summer day here.

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    Tropical Storm Isaias, currently coming up the east coast and right now off the coast of southern Georgia, is expected to soon intensify to hurricane level, make landfall somewhere near Myrtle Beach SC, and then track inland in a beeline right for us, bringing light rain this evening and continuing and increasing for at least a day as the winds rise, possibly dumping 6” or more of rain on us with winds in the 60 - 70mph range. Gee, thanks.

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    Sometimes you just can’t catch a break.


    Isaias is forecast to briefly regain hurricane status before making landfall Monday night or early Tuesday on the upper South Carolina coast or in southeast North Carolina.

    It’s important to note that impacts will be similar no matter whether Isaias is a strong tropical storm or a Category 1 hurricane at landfall.

    From there, the storm will sweep quickly northeastward near parts of the Northeast Seaboard to as far north as New England Tuesday into early Wednesday.

    !! ~~~~~ !! ~~~~~ !!

    Hey, maybe some severe weather will knock back these darn leafhopper bugs, those spotted lantern flies from China. They’ve been all over us this summer, and they show the most amazing ability to just up and die. The little black ones are everywhere, dead. The ones that grew a bit more and became red ( the “fourth instar nymphs” ) are also dying by the numbers, and at this point the adult version of the insect, which looks like a creepy kind of moth, is just starting to emerge. Let’s hope they die off in their millions as well. But not on my patio. We’re getting tired of having to sweep off piles of dead bugs twice a day. Eeeww.


    Native to China, India, Japan and Vietnam, the spotted lanternfly does not attack fruit or foliage. Rather, it uses its piercing-sucking mouthparts to feed on the woody parts of plants — such as tree trunks or branches and grape vines — where it excretes a substance known as honeydew and inflicts wounds that weep with sap. The honeydew and sap can attract other insects and provide a medium for growth of fungi, such as sooty mold, which covers leaf surfaces and can stunt growth. Plants with heavy infestations may not survive.

    Said Tom Baker, distinguished professor of entomology and chemical ecology, who has 40 years of experience in entomology research, “The spotted lanternfly is the weirdest, most pernicious insect I’ve ever seen.”

    Pernicious. Good word. Harmful but subtle. Except not so subtle at all. Our whole outside area, every plant and hard surface, is spotted with the honeydew and the sap weeps. Rain does wash it away, but in a couple days it’s all back again. So far the bugs haven’t tried to get in the house. So far. But they’re excellent jumpers, easily leaping 8 feet at a hop. And they don’t seem to get caught in any of the spider webs out there. At least they don’t sting or bite, or reek like those damn Chinese stinkbugs we had a couple years ago. 


    Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/03/2023 at 09:58 AM   
    Filed Under: • Climate-Weather •  
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    小语加速器手机版官网   Sunday - August 02, 2023

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    Airbnb has cracked down on “party houses” throughout the state of New Jersey as the world continues to attempt to stem the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    “We stand with Governor (Phil) Murphy, and we support his call to action to stop parties and promote behavior that respects the public’s health,” said Chris Lehane, SVP of Global Policy & Communications for Airbnb. “We ban party houses and will not tolerate irresponsible behavior on our platform. We know that there is still more work to be done, we ask that neighbors contact us as soon as possible through our Neighborhood Support Hotline, to directly communicate any concerns, which will help us continue to effectively enforce our party house ban.”

    As part of this, 35 listings across New Jersey that have received complaints or otherwise violated policies on parties and events have been either suspended or removed from the Airbnb platform, officials said.

    Additionally, Airbnb recently shared out restrictions on some U.S. guests under the age of 25 from booking entire home listings in their local area. As a practical example, if they identify a 20-year old guest who is located in Hoboken, the systems are set up to restrict that user from booking a house, apartment or other entire home listing in Hoboken for a 1-night reservation the following weekend unless they have a history of positive reviews on Airbnb.

    However, if that same 20 year-old is booking a stay to visit family in Ocean City, the restriction would not apply.

    This kind of thing has been in the news quite a bit lately. It seems some folks have figured out that they can rent a nice place in suburbia for a night, put out ads in da hood, charge people to attend, and make a pile of quick money.

    The party animals descend, cause an all night ruckus, trash the house, mess up the whole neighborhood, and go away. Streets parked solid, cars up on folk’s lawns, all kinds of misbehavior, fireworks, and often as not “random” gunfire.

    Far be it for me to mention how certain types were prominent at nearly all of these events. Although if you read the stories carefully and ignore the “representational” picture in the above story ...

    “The party was reportedly held as a celebration of Liberian Independence Day and featured free food and alcohol and a twerking contest.”

    “Darius Edwards, 24, of Brooklyn, has been charged with two counts of assault by auto, eluding, obstruction and possession of marijuana”

    “Yaakov Weiss, 40, of Jackson, who owns the home, and Patience Guanue, 23, and Alicia Hinneh, 22, both of Newark, were issued summonses for violating the governor’s executive order limiting gatherings to 500 people or fewer “
    “The party was advertised on Instagram as a “mansion party,” and included free food and alcohol”
    “It took all of Jackson’s on-duty police officers, along with help from the Freehold, Howell and Lakewood police departments, New Jersey State Police, the Ocean County Sheriff’s Office and the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office, to clear the crowd”


    Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/02/2023 at 07:53 AM   
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    大陆下载快连vp n

    There’s a reason for white flight. I’d create a category for these stories, but the category name would be totally appropriate raycis.

    Cross Staples Off Your List. And learn to keep your mouth shut about other people who seem incapable of wearing their masks properly. Especially when there’s a great big plastic wall between you.

    Tiny Frail Woman Assaulted In Staples, Leg Broken, Over Mask Remark

    HACKENSACK, NJ - The Hackensack Police are asking the public to help them identify a woman who attacked another patron at a Staples store on Hackensack Avenue over a request to wear a face covering, authorities said.

    According to police the attack took place shortly before 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday when the victim, a 54-year-old woman who had undergone a liver transplant last spring, asked another patron to wear a face mask when she approached her.

    The video shows this sparked the suspect to confront the victim before throwing her to the ground. According to police the suspect became angry at the victim and exchanged words with her before violently throwing the victim to the ground. The video also shows the woman leave the frame and then exit the store. No one in the store intervened or responded to the victim’s cries for help in the video, which you can view below.

    Poor reporting yet again. Watch the video, you can see the assaulter did not leave the building at all, and came by the victim again, and then continued shopping (upper screen right). Like the assaulter, nearly all the employees and most of the other customers were black. And they just stood there doing nothing. At this point to me it’s a miracle that they didn’t all join in beating the nearly skeletal woman lying on the floor.

    I am so tired of hulking angry black women with hair trigger violent tempers.


    Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/02/2023 at 07:29 AM   
    Filed Under: • pandemic and epidemic diseases • The New Normal • Racism and race relations •  
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    Saint Damien Of Molokai Hawaii: Just some dead white guy to AOC


    AOC goes on a stupid rant because his statue is in the Capital building. Therefore patriarchy, white supremacy etc. She didn’t have a clue who this guy was, just that he was some dead white guy.

    “It’s not Queen Lili’uokalani…the only Queen Regnant of Hawaii, who is immortalized and whose story is told. It is Father Damien,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a Facebook story in which she lamented the absence of statues of female figures in the Capitol. “This is what patriarchy and white supremacist culture looks like!”

    Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) singled out a statue of Father Damien, a Catholic priest who ministered to a Hawaiian leper colony, as an example of “white supremacist culture.”

    Father Damien, born Jozef de Veuster in Belgium, arrived in Hawaii in 1864 when the islands were an independent kingdom. The priest conducted missionary work on the islands and for the last 16 years of his life ministered to a leper colony, until he died after contracting leprosy himself. A statue of Father Damien stands in the U.S. Capitol.

    . @AOC calls the statue in the US capitol building of Father Damien, a canonized saint in the Catholic Church, a part of “white supremacist culture.”

    Father Damien died of leprosy after spending his life serving others who had the disease.

    He wasn’t even an American. He was from Belgium. When he was in Hawaii it was still an independent nation. And he’s a cultural hero to Hawaiians even today.  And Hawaii never was much of any kind of colony to the US.

    推荐科学上网工具,支持苹果安卓PC端:2021-7-31 · 作为一个软件开发工作者,常常需要使用科学上网软件在google学习查找最新的资料,由于国内的搜索系统基本上都是照搬的国外的一些比较陈旧的方法或者资料了,根本不是最新的,所伍只有无奈借助VPN网络加速工具去论坛查找最新的有帮助资料。 peninsula on the Hawaiian island of Molokai, said Dallas Carter, a native Hawaiian and a catechist for the diocese of Honolulu, in an interview with CNA.

    “Any Hawaiian here who is aware of their history–which most Hawaiians are–would absolutely, Catholic or not, defend the legacy of Damien as a man who was embraced by the people, and who is a hero to us because of his love for the Hawaiian people,” Carter said.

    “We did not judge him by the color of his skin. We judged him by the love that he had for our people,” Carter told CNA.

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez throws shade at a sculpture of a man who lived and died among lepers. The non-white queen of the nation he served honored him. And a statue which commemorates him was created by a Hispanic woman who employed native art forms.

    Looks like the freshman Congresswoman from New York picked the wrong statue and the wrong priest to castigate. But now the nation knows more about a man who was both heroic and compassionate. Thanks, AOC!

    Great info at the above links, plus more if you want (including details on the statue, carved in Hawaiian totem style by a French Venezuelan immigrant feminist woman artist):


    Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/01/2023 at 04:44 PM   
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    大陆下载快连vp n

    Couple Pleads Guilty to Stealing Children’s Hospital Trade Secrets

    Hmm ... betcha it’s two chinks who work there.

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    Li Chen, 46, and her husband, Yu Zhou, 49, made the plea via video conference. The couple both worked at the National Children’s Hospital’s Research Institute in Columbus, Ohio, for a decade before being arrested in California in July 2023. The case was unsealed in August 2023 when they appeared in federal court in Ohio.

    “Chen admitted to stealing scientific trade secrets related to exosomes and exosome isolation from Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Research Institute for her own personal financial gain,” the Department of Justice press release on the case said. “They are charged with conspiring to steal at least five trade secrets related to exosome research from Nationwide Children’s Hospital.”

    “Exosomes play a key role in the research, identification, and treatment of a range of medical conditions, including necrotizing enterocolitis (a condition found in premature babies), liver fibrosis and liver cancer,” the press release said.

    “Once again we see the People’s Republic of China (PRC) facilitating the theft of our nation’s ingenuity and hard work as part of their quest to rob, replicate and replace any product they don’t have the ability to develop themselves,” said John C. Demers, the assistant attorney general for national security. “Far from being an isolated incident, we see the PRC implicated in around 60 percent of all trade secret theft cases

    Too bad we don’t have enough intelligent white kids to study hard and learn to work in these fields. Instead we coddle them and give them awards for showing up, and then screw ourselves for the almighty bottom line by flooding our colleges, medical research and high tech fields with spies. Every defense industry, every aerospace industry, every medical industry, every tech industry, every grad school. Every advancement we’re working on, every project is staffed full of Chinese, and an awful lot of them are sneaking stuff out the backdoor. China is asshoe. 


    Posted by Drew458   小语加速器安卓apk  on 08/01/2023 at 04:18 PM   
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    大陆下载快连vp n

    Ain’t Gonna Budge

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    A Confederate statue that has been a major point of contention between Weatherford and Parker County residents the past few weeks will remain in place after county commissioners voted unanimously Thursday to leave it where it is on the courthouse lawn.

    Precinct 1 Commissioner George Conley made the motion to keep the statue in its place.

    “That statue honors the dead, it doesn’t honor the Confederacy,” Conley said. “I’m going to make a motion that we leave the monument where it has been for over 100 years and get on with whatever happens after that.”

    The motion was seconded by Precinct 3 Commissioner Larry Walden and then unanimously approved.

    “It represents our history, it represents those that have died in war on both sides,” County Judge Pat Deen said. “It represents a time in our history that no longer exists today, thankfully. If we look at what the constituents want here, I can speak for myself, that there’s been an overwhelming number to not remove that statue.”

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    “This past Saturday there was an event that took place on the courthouse lawn that escalated to a point that involved multiple law enforcement agencies and actually was stopped for an illegal gathering because of the safety factor to the community and the law enforcement agencies who were here,” Deen said. “What happened Shttp://therightscoop.com/rioters-threaten-to-tear-down-the-alamo-texas-shows-them-whats-in-store-for-them-if-they-try-it/%3EMolon%20labe:%20come%20and%20take%20it.%3C/a%3E%3Cbr%20/%3E%3Cbr%20/%3E%3Cbr%20/%3E%3Ccenter%3E%3Cimg%20src=aturday is not who Parker County is, it’s not who Weatherford is and that has to come to an end, that has to stop.”

    If the counter revolution begins anywhere, it will begin in Texas. Molon labe: come and take it.



    Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/01/2023 at 03:46 PM   
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    大陆下载快连vp n

    Nobody Kneels. Nobody.

    Players from the Philadelphia Flyers, Pittsburgh Penguins, Dallas Stars, and Nashville Predators all stood to honor the playing of the national anthem in recent games.

    Not one single player kneeled.

    On Tuesday, players for the Flyers and Penguins stood together in solidarity before their exhibition opener in Toronto.

    The respective teams stood together on the blue lines to show solidarity — and the Penguins made sure the message was clear.

    In a tweet, the beloved Pittsburgh team wrote, “The Penguins and Flyers, two of the fiercest rivals in sports, united in solidarity this afternoon, to stand up against social injustice, racism, and hate.”

    On Tuesday, NBC Sports reported that the Boston Bruins and the Columbus Blue Jackets had the same plans for their game Thursday night. And the two teams did, indeed, gather — arms linked — in a circle.

    “Over the past several months we have been trying to educate ourselves and learn more about racial injustice in our country and around the world. As a team we have decided to lock arms during the playing of the United States and Canadian Anthems as a sign of solidarity with the Black community,” a spokesperson for the Bruins told the outlet.

    “This action is solely intended to be a positive sign of support for the Black community, and a way for us to use our platform to help end racism,” the statement concluded.

    I think it’s very important to note that these men are standing up and speaking up, not being disrespectful. And they’re not saying they’re supporting BLM, they’re supporting eliminating racial injustice.

    And I’m fine with that. Granted, it’s an empty gesture. Especially in empty stadiums. But it’s better than nothing. Let’s see if they actually do anything more than this.

    As long as they don’t go all nutso Aunt Jemima Syrup and AOC on everything. And don’t forget that racism works both ways.


    Posted by Drew458   蚂蚁免费版ⅴpn  on 08/01/2023 at 12:15 PM   
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    They Have Dairy Or Hog Farms Near Portland And Seattle, Right?


    I gather some of these things can shoot a stream more than 100 yards, and some can handle 5-10% solids.


    (stolen from FeralIrishman)


    Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/01/2023 at 11:43 AM   
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    小语加速器安卓版官方   Friday - July 31, 2023

    合并魔法符文官方版下载- 全方位下载:2021-6-15 · 合并魔法符文手机版(Mergr Rune)是一款超级好玩的消除类休闲游戏。游戏采用了萌系二次元的画风,有着非常可爱的画面,背景音乐也格外的欢快舒缓。

    Sorry, last week’s news. And I really wish I could find something else to blog about. (hey we went bowling again last night. Our team did pretty well, I threw a 658 series (no tap league :-( ) but the other team slaughtered us anyway. So after 2 weeks we’re at the bottom of the heap. Oh well.)

    Vermont Seeing Antigen Test Irregularities

    65 in Manchester tested positive with Quidel’s antigen test, but then 48 of them tested negative with the standard PCR test. Which one is right? Was Quidel given an EUA too early?

    65 people who tested positive last week after completing the rapid antigen test offered at a private medical clinic in the heart of Manchester, Vt., a town of fewer than 5,000. News of an outbreak set off alarms in a state that to-date had fared well in the pandemic, registering the second-fewest cases in the country. Many local restaurants and retailers quickly shut down. The Saturday farmers market was canceled. State officials with little information scrambled to answer questions from reporters and the public as to how and where the outbreak began.

    But in Vermont, positive antigen tests — a relatively new way of detecting an active COVID infection — require confirmation by another test: a polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, test, the gold-standard used by the government, hospitals, and professional sports teams. Of the 65 people who’d received those positive antigen tests, 48 would ultimately test negative via PCR.

    A community on edge was now a community confused. Had there been an outbreak? The state’s health department said no, while the clinic stood by its findings that showed positive test results. The Manchester town Facebook forum erupted with questions about antigen testing, authorized in May by the FDA for emergency use. What to make of this apparent testing stalemate?
    Attempts at answering that question proved to be a lesson in the current fractured state of testing in the United States as well as a reminder of how little is still known six months into the pandemic about the coronavirus and the methods used to mitigate its spread.
    Antigen testing, which also requires a nasal swab but can return results in just 15 minutes, has been heralded as a cheap and speedy alternative to the cumbersome and pricey PCR tests, which in the United States can take anywhere from a day to two weeks to process. Rather than lugging vials off to a lab where they’re heated, cooled, and spun, antigen test cassettes are inserted into a small on-site machine that quickly reads the results.
    But although the antigen test was recently authorized by the Food and Drug Administration, it is not formally approved, meaning only a handful of studies — submitted by the very companies that markets the product — have been completed to verify its reliability.

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    India has been using RAT (rapid antigen testing) quite a bit, and has had problems. It’s a great idea, but it looks like it needs more development. Like anything else in life, you can’t have fast, good, and cheap, but with this, when you’re looking at hundreds of millions of daily tests, 2 out of 3 isn’t good enough.

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    Posted by Drew458   小语加速器手机版官网  on 07/31/2023 at 03:49 PM   
    Filed Under: • pandemic and epidemic diseases •  
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    COVID Shocker


    The United States is about 29 times larger than Vietnam. At 331,210 sq km, Vietnam is a little bigger than New Mexico. Yet the population of the USA is only 3 1/2 times greater; Vietnam has 97 million citizens, compared to around 330 million here.

    But Vietnam, which shares a long border with China, has had only 536 cases of the ‘rona since January, and until yesterday, had only had 1 COVID related death. ONE. Now, sadly, today they have 2.

    2 deaths, 536 total cases, 8 months, 97 million people. How is this possible?

    Vietnam has a much younger population (median age 30.5 vs 38.4). There is almost no obesity; lowest in the world. They are nearly genetically monolithic; everyone is Vietnamese (although they recognize 54 types).  Very very few Poles, Danes, Venezuelans, Nigerians, or even Polynesians live there. Life expectancy 6 years less than ours.  Absolute one party communist rule, but I don’t know how gentle or tyrannical that leadership is.

    But when COVID was just beginning, they shut the country down completely. Closed the borders, shut the airports, locked down all the towns and cities. Anyone who seemed to be sick with the virus and anyone they’d been in contact with was taken somewhere and isolated. Full quarantine. Anyone coming home to Vietnam was also quarantined for at least 2 weeks.

    And it worked. Until a couple days ago, not one reported fatality. And now that number is up to two. They hadn’t had any new cases in 99 days.

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    The country, which has recorded 546 coronavirus infections since its first cases were detected in January, reported its first coronavirus death earlier on Friday. The 70-year-old man who died had underlying health conditions, state media reported.

    More than 53,000 people have been put in quarantine and although data from the country’s mass testing programme has yet not been released, the health ministry said.

    [ May 15, 2023 ] Despite a long border with China and a population of 97 million people, Vietnam has recorded only just over 300 cases of Covid-19 on its soil and not a single death.

    Nearly a month has passed since its last community transmission and the country is already starting to open up.

    Experts say that unlike other countries now seeing infections and deaths on a huge scale, Vietnam saw a small window to act early on and used it fully.

    But though cost-effective, its intrusive and labour intensive approach has its drawbacks and experts say it may be too late for most other countries to learn from its success.
    ‘Extreme but sensible’ measures

    “When you’re dealing with these kinds of unknown novel potentially dangerous pathogens, it’s better to overreact,” says Dr Todd Pollack of Harvard’s Partnership for Health Advancement in Vietnam in Hanoi.

    Recognising that its medical system would soon become overwhelmed by even mild spread of the virus, Vietnam instead chose prevention early, and on a massive scale.

    By early January, before it had any confirmed cases, Vietnam’s government was initiating “drastic action” to prepare for this mysterious new pneumonia which had at that point killed two people in Wuhan.
    Image copyright Getty Images

    When the first virus case was confirmed on 23 January - a man who had travelled from Wuhan to visit his son in Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam’s emergency plan was in action.

    “It very, very quickly acted in ways which seemed to be quite extreme at the time but were subsequently shown to be rather sensible,” says Prof Guy Thwaites, director of Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU) in Ho Chi Minh City, which works with the government on its infectious disease programmes.

    Vietnam enacted measures other countries would take months to move on, bringing in travel restrictions, closely monitoring and eventually closing the border with China and increasing health checks at borders and other vulnerable places.

    Schools were closed for the Lunar New Year holiday at the end of January and remained closed until mid-May. A vast and labour intensive contact tracing operation got under way.

    “This is a country that has dealt with a lot of outbreaks in the past,” says Prof Thwaites, from Sars in 2003 to avian influenza in 2010 and large outbreaks of measles and dengue.

    So the people are used to deadly epidemics, and maybe there’s some level of viral immunity? How bad were they hit with the similar SARS in 2003?

    TAIPEI, TAIWAN - Vietnamese officials are rushing to control a sudden new outbreak of COVID-19 after reporting one of the world’s most successful control efforts earlier in the year.

    Authorities in the Southeast Asian country sealed off the central coast tourist city Danang Sunday after two people tested positive for the deadly atypical pneumonia, domestic media reports say. The new spike in and near Danang had grown to 30 cases as of early Wednesday, mostly traced to a local hospital. 

    People elsewhere in the economically booming country of 97 million worry that the Danang infections will spread outward and spark another nationwide shutdown like the one ordered for about a month through late April.

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    While Vietnam’s latest figures still hardly match the hundreds of daily cases still being reported in much of the world, the country prides itself on throttling the disease earlier in the year with no deaths to date. Vietnam had gone without transmission for 99 days through Saturday and its domestic economy roared back to life by May.

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    The 1.1 million-population city of Danang quit taking domestic tourists for 14 days, halted many gatherings and shuttered non-essential services such as bars and amusement parks, domestic news website VnExpress International reported.

    Flights, buses, taxis, and trains to and from Da Nang are suspended too, business consultancy Dezan Shira & Associates says on its website. Thousands of tourists there now must remain. 

    “We’re hoping it doesn’t spread out, because if it does, they’ll do another lockdown, and it’s going to impact business hard,” said Jack Nguyen, partner in the business advisory firm Mazars in Ho Chi Minh City. “I don’t think the country can sustain another lockdown.”

    Quang Nam, a province bordering Danang, planned starting Wednesday to close bars, internet shops, cinemas and other spots to stop any disease spread there, the news website reported.

    “Danang is done,” Nguyen said. “There are no tourists coming in or out.”

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    The other article says 546 cases, so I expect one of those numbers is a typo. 4 and 5 are neighbors on the keyboard.

    And for the 99 days without transmission before last week claim to make sense, but 300 cases in mid-May, the assumption is that the case rate was flatlined by the 3rd week in April.

    While Vietnam has some of the worst malaria on the planet, what they have at this point is largely multi-drug resistant malaria. This means the chloroquine drugs aren’t used so much. Instead they take Malarone, a two drug combo pill made from the potent anti-malarials Atovaquone and Proguanil. Proguanil can be used with chloroquine if the malaria strain isn’t strongly multi-drug resistant. But how to tell? 小语微商管家6.0安全吗?小语微商管家有风险吗[图] - 软件 ...:2021-7-18 · 小语微商管家6.0安全吗?小语微商管家有风险吗[图],小语微商管家6.0安全吗?会不会有封号的风险?当然做微商的朋友伊就会知道,这样的软件有很多,这款小语微商管家则是因为功能齐全,售价比较低,更多的朋友伊愿意使用这个,至于其安全性的问题,下面嗨客小编就为大家详细介绍。; it seems to work in vitro, so further testing is warranted. Wait and see. But once again, Vietnam is one place where malaria is, and where malaria is, COVID-19 isn’t. 2 deaths and under 600 cases from 97 million people defines “isn’t” to my satisfaction.


    Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/31/2023 at 01:55 PM   
    Filed Under: • pandemic and epidemic diseases •  
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    That Didn’t Take Long

    Oh, and check the filter that was on this news yesterday. I’m so tired of garbage reporting.

    Ohio Pharm Board Drops No HCQ Rule “Proposal”

    The Ohio Board of Pharmacy has小语加速器手机版官网 that prohibited the sale and dispensing of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine in the state after Gov. Mike DeWine (R) asked for the reversal.

    “I agree with the statement from Dr. Steven Hahn, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, that the decision about prescribing hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 should be between a doctor and a patient,” DeWine said in a statement. “Therefore, I am asking the Ohio Board of Pharmacy to halt their new rule prohibiting the selling or dispensing of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19.”


    “As a result of the feedback received by the medical and patient community and at the request of Governor DeWine, the State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy has withdrawn proposed rule 4729:5-5-21 of the Administrative Code,” a release said. “Therefore, prohibitions on the prescribing of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in Ohio for the treatment of COVID-19 will not take effect at this time.”

    Srsly? Because this was one of yesterday’s top stories, and not one news site mentioned that this was merely a proposal. Heck, I read the damn document, and it didn’t say “proposal” or anything like that on it anywhere. This whole thing was presented as a mic drop. “Here’s the new rule. Deal with it.”

    Is this a rule, or is this a proposed rule? World of difference. And has it actually been nixed, or just delayed? If you cancel, reverse, or withdraw a rule or a proposed rule, then it no longer exists, yes? Or is it still waiting in the background, merely delayed until nobody is paying attention?

    What rules making process does the Ohio Board of Pharmacy follow, who are they answerable to? Is there public feedback, are they subject to the state legislature or the governor? Is this board even part of the government, or is it an NGO, or what?

    Maybe it’s nothing more than a bunch of retired old pill pushers secretly stipended by Big Pharma that make pronouncements that are merely guidelines? Please; outside of their industry, who ever heard of this group before yesterday?

    Any of this would be insightful reporting, not just red-button pushing headlines.

    Why the hell can’t we get the straight dope from anybody?


    Posted by Drew458   小语加速器安卓apk  on 07/31/2023 at 08:03 AM   
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    Five Most Recent Trackbacks:

    The Brownshirts: Partie Deux; These aare the Muscle We've Been Waiting For
    (2 total trackbacks)
    Tracked at 香港特首曾荫权和部分高管分别用步行或搭乘公共交通工具的方式上班
    西安电加热油温机 香港盛吹“环保风” 专家指市民已从被动变主动 中新网9月29日 淮安导热油电加热炉 电 据香港中通社报道,9月29日晚由香港某环保团体举行的“无冷气夜”,吸引了5万名市民及超过60间企业承诺参加。这是香港最近环保活动不断升温过程中的大型活动之一。 进入九月,香港各界环保活动渐入高潮,层出不穷。特首高官与各界市民齐齐参与,是其中一个最大特色。…
    On: 03/21/18 12:12

    meaningless marching orders for a thousand travellers ... strife ahead ..
    (1 total trackbacks)
    Tracked at Casual Blog
    On: 07/17/17 04:28

    a small explanation
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    Tracked at yerba mate gourd
    Find here top quality how to prepare yerba mate without a gourd that's available in addition at the best price. Get it now!
    On: 07/09/17 03:07

    The Real Stuff
    (2 total trackbacks)
    Tracked at Candy Blog
    On: 06/11/17 06:40

    when rape isn't rape but only sexual assault
    (1 total trackbacks)
    Tracked at Trouser Blog
    [...] took another century of Inquisition and repression to completely eradicate the [...]
    On: 06/06/17 11:37



    Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
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    2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
    3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
    4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
    It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.



    GNU Terry Pratchett

    Oh, and here's some kind of visitor flag counter thingy. Hey, all the cool blogs have one, so I should too. The Visitors Online thingy up at the top doesn't count anything, but it looks neat. It had better, since I paid actual money for it.

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